So, you love Harry Potter and now you find yourself visiting London. YIPEE!! Harry Potter was filmed in many different places around London. Transport Advisor has put together some of the famous film spots for coach hire groups to visit.
Here are those locations:

King’s Cross Station
Kings Cross station is a well-known and popular Harry Potter tour stop so expect crowds and maybe queues to have your photo next to the platform 9 ¾ sign. Here you can pretend to enter the World-famous platform, so be ready to board the Hogwarts Express. The scenes were actually filmed between platforms 4 and 5 but to get here you need a ticket.

St Pancras Station
Next door to Kings Cross Station is St Pancras Station. Here is where the exterior shots of the train station where filmed. For non-Harry Potter fans, the beauty of the station can be admired as its one of the most magnificent train stations ever built.

Gringotts Bank interior
This was not a film set but the actual Australia High Commission building. Sadly, you will not be able to go inside. But if you are on your own or in a pair the security guard might let you pop your head in for a quick peek.
Piccadilly Circus
In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I our favourite 3 wizards fleed the Weasley wedding so as to avoid the death eaters. Hermione takes them to safety in Piccadilly Circus. Harry, Ron, and Hermione run through London’s West End is filmed here. This is a popular tourist landmark in the city, not just for Harry Potter.

Red Phone Box entrance to the Ministry of Magic
Scotland Place is where you will find the entrance to the Ministry of Magic. This is not the toilets where Harry, Ron and Hermione entered the ministry but when Harry was taken there by Mr Weasely for his trial. Sadly, the Red Phone Box was a prop, so today nothing stands there. But you can walk the same streets as Daniel Radcliffe.
Westminister Station
In the Order of the Phoenix, Harry and Mr Weasley took a trip on the Underground. Do you remember? This was filmed at Westminster Station and it was shut down for the day causing great hassle to the locals.
Night Bus
Lambeth Bridge was used to create the night bus scenes in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. You will see that in real life the bridge has traffic going in both directions. But to in the scene, whereby the night bus squeezes between two red double-decker buses, they used multiple lanes of oncoming traffic only.

Millennium Bridge – Destroyed by Death Eaters
At the start of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince the deaths eaters destroy a white bridge that goes over the River Thames. The bridge was the Millennium bridge and it located on the Southbank side of the river and leads to St Pauls Cathedral.
Leadenhall Market
The entrance to the Leaky Cauldron was on Bull’s Head Passage just by Leadenhall Market. This market was also used for Diagon Alley in the first Harry Potter film. Bull’s Head Passage.
Reptile House, London Zoo
In Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, the Dursley’s take Dudley to the zoo for his birthday. The scenes when we first learn that Harry can talk to snakes were shot in the Reptile House at London Zoo. A plaque has been placed at the exact spot, so you cannot miss it. For ticket information and directions visit the website, click here. Tickets are always cheaper when booked online! But this a day trip in itself.

Map of suggested locations

Warner Bros Studio Tour
Alternatively, you may wish to spend the day at the Warner Bros Studio Tour, where all the props, sets and costumes from the Harry Potter series are stored and on display. This is a truly magical place and it can take a minimum of 4 hours to walk around the buildings. To book your ticket, click here.

This will be a long day so follow these quick tips to stay comfortable and enjoy to the max:
• Make sure your phone/camera is fully charged!
• Take a portable charger with you, as you will be taking a lot of photos. If you don’t have one, click here, I use this one.
• To save battery put your phone on airplane mode.
• Wear layers. Its warm inside so you only need a t-shirt but part of the studio is outside so take a jumper and coat in winter.
• Take a few snacks and water
• Wear comfortable shoes which you have worn before. You will be walking 2 or 3 miles and you’ll be standing up all day.
• Get the audio tour, to learn more about the Wizarding World!
Coach Hire Around London For Groups
If you are planning a group visit to London and you require group transport visit our home page to get a free quote or email us directly with your requirements